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3 Tips To Help You Maintain Your Water Storage Tank

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Water is one resource that no one can live without. Portable water storage tanks allow you to amass a supply of drinking water that can sustain your family through any natural disaster. In order for your water supply to remain viable, it’s critical that you maintain your storage tanks regularly. The last thing you want is for your precious water supply to become contaminated because of neglect. A few simple maintenance tasks can help you preserve the quality and integrity of your water supply well into the future. Read More»

How to Make the Most Money Selling Recycled Goods to a Scrap Yard

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Not everyone makes a living doing scrap metal recycling, but most of them have a certain niche they fill or follow a certain regimen to make the most out of their time and investment. You, too, can make more money by selling to a scrap yard. Use this guide to help you out in your scrap metal recycling efforts so when you get more involved, you can see more of a positive response. Read More»

Rock Your Landscape Using A Landscape Rock Delivery Service

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Would you like to make some changes to your landscape? Perhaps it currently appears plain or boring and you want to improve your curb appeal. Adding rocks to your landscape scheme could drastically change its appearance, and there are limitless options to use rocks to enhance aesthetics. Choose from a variety of sizes and colors. You will not face the same obstacles that you might face with plants that are not common in your region. Read More»

Helpful Copper Recycling Tips For Beginners

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If you have a bunch of copper materials just sitting around your worksite, you can actually recycle them for money. If this is your first pursuing this recycling venture, these precautions will help you have a smooth experience all the way through.  Separate Copper Varieties You probably have a lot of different copper varieties around your work site. Some may be thick and large and then other materials may feature copper plating. Read More»

4 Things You Need To Know About Selling A Junk Car For Cash

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Over time, even the most precious car can turn into a junk car. For example, your car may have been in an accident, or maybe too many parts are worn down for even being worth it to fix. When you can’t drive your vehicle anymore, or you can’t safely drive your vehicle anymore, it is time to get rid of your junk car.  Establish Ownership of the Vehicle  When it comes to selling a junk car, you need to be able to establish ownership of the vehicle. Read More»

Three Things You Should Know About Selling Your Scrap Copper Wire

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If you have a business that uses copper wire, you are likely to have scrap wire. Or perhaps you are involved in construction or remodeling and remove wiring from buildings and homes. Whatever the case may be, you shouldn’t throw this wire away. There are copper wire buyers who will give you cash for your scrap copper. However, there are a few things you should be aware of. Not all recycling companies will buy your wire Read More»

Three Major Advantages To Replacing Your Lawn With A Rock Garden

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Changing up the landscaping outside your home requires careful thought and consideration. After all, it’s a big decision to make. However, if you’ve considered getting rid of your lawn at any time, or felt that it’s not what you want anymore, there are several good reasons why you should consider removing it and replacing it with a rock garden. Here are three of the best reasons why you should take the leap. Read More»

Three Reasons To Use Professional Destruction And Recycling For Your Obsolete Electronic Equipment

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When your business is ready to replace its electronic equipment, it may be tempting to simply throw it away or, perhaps, load it all on a truck and take it to a local dump. There are, however, several reasons why you should have these items disposed of professionally. There following are among the most significant. Proper disposal for the environment There are many pieces of electronic equipment that contain harmful chemicals that need to be disposed of properly to void contamination to our environment. Read More»

Ready To Ditch An Old PC? What To Know First

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If you have an old computer that you don’t use anymore and it isn’t worth any money, there are a lot of things that you’ll want to do before you get rid of it. Before you get rid of the computer, you want to make sure that none of your personal information is in jeopardy, and you want to dispose of the computer responsibly so it doesn’t harm the environment in any way. Read More»

Getting Rid Of Old Computers? Call First!

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Whether you’re tossing out an old Gateway or Dell from the early days of home computers or replacing a new system after physical damage, there’s a few restrictions when it comes to electronics disposal and a few benefits you could be losing. It’s against the law in most areas to simply throw a computer away in the general trash, but if you can’t drive directly to a recycling center, here are a few things to consider for safe and legal recycling. Read More»